Home - Neurolink Physiotherapy South West
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Neurolink Physiotherapy provide a vestibular rehabilitation service that is dedicated to helping individuals with dizziness, vertigo and imbalance. These symptoms are often caused by problems in your inner ear, central nervous system (neurological) or cervical spine along with other systemic causes like cardiac or psychological.


Our specially-trained Physiotherapists all have post graduate Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation qualifications and extensive experience in assessing and treating people with vestibular disorders. Our therapists use the latest infrared goggle technology to assist with an accurate diagnosis and set you on the best path to managing your balance concern.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular disorders can lead to symptoms of vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, difficulty walking and even problems with fatigue and concentration. Vestibular Rehabilitation is an individually tailored exercise and education programme that is designed to retrain your brain to coordinate the inner ear (vestibular),  visual and proprioceptive systems to regain your balance.

Concussion Rehabilitation

Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that is caused by an acceleration and deceleration force to the head and neck complex. Concussion rehabilitation requires a thorough assessment, accurate diagnosis of the contributing factors and collaborative care between health care providers. Our therapists are specially trained in the management of concussion and early intervention is the key.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological conditions are variable in nature and can cause problems with mobility, sensation, coordination and balance amongst others. Neurolink Physiotherapy offers a clinic-based neurological rehabilitation service with a major focus on neurological conditions that impact balance.



Physio South West
50 Causeway Road

Phone: (08) 9755 8646